Petals Around the Rose


Play Petals Around the Rose

The name of the game is Petals Around the Rose. The name of the game is important. The computer will roll five dice and ask you to guess the score for the roll. The score will always be zero or an even number. Your mission is to work out how the computer calculates the score and become a Potentate of the Rose.

Click on "Roll Dice" to start the game. Type in your guess and click on "Accept Guess" to get the result. Then either click on "Roll Dice" for another turn, or simply leave this page to stop playing. Good luck!
Please click on Roll Dice

1st Die

Please click on Roll Dice

2nd Die

Please click on Roll Dice

3rd Die

Please click on Roll Dice

4th Die

Please click on Roll Dice

5th Die


Your Guess:  

Total Rolls
# Correct
Best Run



Is Petals Around the Rose really a game? Well actually it's probably better described as a puzzle, a challenge or a brain teaser.

If you succeed in working out the secret to the challenge, you become a Potentate of the Rose and qualify to become a member of the Fraternity of Petals Around the Rose. However, you must pledge to be a cruel and heartless wretch who will never divulge the secret of the game to anyone else. Only those that can work it out for themselves should know the secret of Petals Around the Rose.

Read what happened when Bill Gates was introduced to Petals Around the Rose in June 1977. How he tackled this brain teaser is an interesting insight into the man at the helm of Microsoft.

Petals Around the Rose


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